Beachfront accommodation includes four traditional Fijian style bures with shared bathrooms and 2 contemporary style bures with private ensuites, providing a total of 40 bed spaces. A Community Training Centre has also been established which is used to conduct ‘in-house’ training programs for Nataleira villagers and other surrounding villages. The Manager is packaging this Training Centre facility with the Eco-lodge accommodation targeted at outside, generally Suva based, groups. STIL has advised the Manager to develop a more strategic, sustainable and viable business and conservation development program that could include:
- A Model Village for a Climate Change Adaptation Programs and Research
- Agritourism and Ecotourism Business Development to Improve Livelihoods
- Training Programs to Build Capacity in Local Communities
A range of ecotours are also available, especially the dolphin watching, by arrangement with the neighbouring Takalana Bay Eco-lodge. Visitors are also encouraged to join in and learn about the various village or eco-lodge activities like helping with the fruit tree and vegetable gardens, peanut farming, waste management program, river prawn farming, beach adaptation program or mixing a bowl of kava!