Review of Foreign Investment Act and Business Licenses Act , Tonga (2003)

Assisted with the drafting of the tourism sector legislation and regulations in the new Acts to provide incentives and promote a more open investment climate. Encouraged more incentives for local investors and advised on an accreditation system to improve operational standards.

Technical Assessment of Tourism Investment Opportunities and Constraints, Tonga (2002)

Presented a report to Cabinet after broad consultations with various Government departments, on and off-shore financial institutions, international aid and development agencies, local tourism industry operators, existing and potential investors,. Advised on the establishment of a Tourism Investment Fund and/or a Tourism Development Corporation. Identified potential funding sources for tourism project investment financing including local commercial banks, Tonga Development Bank, World Bank (IFC), European Investment Bank, Asia Development Bank and unilateral donor aid countries (Australia, New Zealand, Japan and China).

National Tourism Policy and Development Plan , Mozambique , Africa (2001)

Project Consultant, through ACIL Australia, for AUSAID funded project to review and assess the National Tourism Policy and Tourism Development Plan of Mozambique. Conducted consultations, meetings, field trips and training workshops on policy development with the emphasis on sustainability and rural community development. Produced a new Draft National Tourism Policy and a comprehensive terms of reference for a new National Tourism Development Strategy Plan to implement the Policy.

Organisational Review of National Tourism Administration, St.Vincent and the Grenadines, Caribbean . (1997)

A review and assessment of the role of the Department of Tourism and other major tourism organisations in the private and non government sectors. Recommendations, based on other Caribbean examples, for institutional restructure and strengthening through a Tourist Board and Product Development company.

Tourism Impacts on the Australian Environment (1996)

Commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of the Environment to examine the impact of tourism on World Heritage Areas, for the Federal Governments’ ‘State of the Environment’ Report. The study also involved an assessment of the eco-tourism and cultural tourism policies and strategies being adopted by State and Territory Tourism Commissions and other organisations including the Australian Heritage Commission, Australian Council for the Arts, Museums Association of Australia and the Tourism Council of Australia.

Tourism Investment Study, Samoa , (1995)

Project Manager on behalf of National Tourism Office to formulate a realistic investment program for the development of a viable tourism industry. The study identified sources of funding, revised projections for the development of hotel room capacity, outlined ways to attract investment capital and provided an investment guide for potential investors.

Organisational Review of National Tourism Organisation, Samoa (1993/94)

Restructured the Western Samoa Visitors Bureau. Established a more industry representative Board of Directors and four new Divisions, appointing more accountable, contracted Managers. Included job descriptions, performance indicators and budget reviews. Refocused the organisation to a customer service driven, industry orientated philosophy and function. Now called Samoa Tourism Authority.

South Pacific Tourism Investment Guidebook, Samoa (1992)

Comissioned by the SPTO to write the chapter on Samoa investment guidelines, to attract potential investors into the tourism sector.